Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

How To Overcome Flood In Kayen, Pati, central Java

Diposting oleh BL SMP 1 KAYEN Ziqma di 23.18 0 komentar
Flood is something that very adverse. Because flood make all the activities become distrub. But, it is for children exatly was very happy with flood.
Flood happen in Kayen for 2 - 3x in one year recently. Flood come in Kayen from mountain area in this Kayen. If haviest rainfall. So, flood have ready to pay visit in Kayen.
Many people consider if flood will be to bring adverse thet very big. Morever, flood have sticky with Averse too. But, it is not for (.....) will pile up that very expensive.
Many way, that can we done. For mend flood. example :
  1. Don't throw rubbish anywhere. With this way that very easy, rubbish willnot clogged again and will not flood again.
  2. make a new cannal. Because,with this way, will make water toflow

cause happen flood, is :

  1. Throw the rubbish anywhere
  2. Cutting done trees fliiy

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